4 Digital Marketing Tips for Hoteliers


Managing a hotel can and is a daunting task. However, to get the word out, one of the best ways to get people to notice your hotel is to use the internet to your advantage- in other words; digitally market your hotel. Digital marketing is a new, lucrative way to get people to talk about your hotel; and for booking rates to increase. The internet is now more accessible to the world than ever; and digital marketing is a cheap and easy way to spread the word about your hotel and the services and packages it offers to the public.

One way to get people to notice your hotel is to have various packages offered. People appreciate if hotels are able to cater to their financial or social needs (by having certain discounts for large groups, providing amenities like transport for tourist groups, etc.). People tend to book hotels according to the packages or services offered, and one way to make your hotel more popular (among the public) is to make sure that a variety of choices are offered.
Another way to get people to notice your hotel is to differentiate yourself from other hotels – by providing specific services, or having a special theme to your hotel. One example could be the Atlantis Hotel in Dubai, with the underwater theme running throughout the hotel – providing a unique and treasured experience to customers. Having a certain theme or perk offered to hotel customers can be valuable; even something as small as a discount of park or monument tickets, if the tickets are purchased at the hotel.

Making yourself known on social media is also a benefit to getting the word out – and using Twitter, Facebook or even Tumblr to market your hotel is an easy and free way to advertise. Using social media is also useful in attracting younger crowds, or those who tend to use social media more often. Encouraging the customers themselves to add their experiences or photos onto social media and tagging your hotel along with it spreads the message through (digital) word of mouth.

One final tip would be to make your website professional, yet easy to use by the public. Hiring a web designer to help design your website does help in the long run; and using the website to book rooms online is also another game-changer; especially for customers who are from other countries and use the Internet to make hotel bookings.

PinkElephant Marketing helps you do all these things, and more. With services like web designing and social media marketing being offered as part of their services, PinkElephant makes sure that the word you want gets out into the public – in a quick and efficient manner, all the while making sure that the website designed and social media used are both easily accessible to the target audience.

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