Meeting Your Divorce Lawyer for the First Time? Ask These Questions


If you think you have found the right attorney to handle your divorce, you can start thinking about how to best get through it. But, before you attend your first consultation, you must prepare questions you should ask your attorney. By asking the right questions, you will know what to expect from your case. These questions include the following:

How Will I Be Billed?

Attorneys from Kohlmeyer Hagen Law Office, a family and criminal defense law firm in southern Minnesota, are transparent about their rates and fee structure. You should work out a fee agreement with you that explains details about your billing and how you can possibly save on fees. For instance, you might be able to save on attorney’s fees if you list down your questions and email them over to your attorney and schedule a call to get answers to these questions.

How Will You Communicate with Me?

Your attorney should tell you how often they will contact you and how to best communicate with you. Setting early expectations can make you both comfortable. Always update your attorney on your contact details if you change them in the future.

How Will You Approach My Case?

With some law firms, a lawyer may be assigned to your case while others prefer to approach your case collaboratively. For instance, a lawyer can be assigned to be the lead counsel who will manage your case. However, other attorneys or legal assistants may need to handle certain tasks throughout your case depending on what is best for your case. The lead attorney will review everything before it leaves the firm.

Can You Help Me Get an Amicable Divorce?

If you want the best for your family, you may choose to have a peaceful divorce. Even if you are not on good terms with your spouse, you can try to set your differences aside. A great divorce lawyer will help you get a fair divorce settlement and protect your interests as you move forward without your soon-to-be-ex.

As your lawyer works to resolve your divorce issues as amicably as possible, court intervention may sometimes be needed. A great attorney has the flexibility to take your case to trial.

How Much Will My Divorce Cost Me?

Divorce costs vary by how the parties involved will act and the evidence presented. The cost of a contested divorce is expected to be higher than the cost of an uncontested divorce because of the prolonged process. If you choose an uncontested divorce, your attorney can discuss with you the possible costs of mediation and professional services.

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