Why You Need The Best Large Format UV Printer


The printing industry has gone through tremendous growth over the years. For instance, the large format market of printers is worth billions of dollars and expect to grow to a huge margin in the near future. New and better printers are hitting the market each day which you can check on 10printers.com, making it possible to undertake any printing project.

Probably you are thinking of investing in the latest model of the large format UV printer. Well, it starts by undertaking what is a large format UV printer. With such a printer, it’s easy and cost-effective to undertake huge printing projects.

UV printing involves using UV inks that are instantly cured by the printer via high temperatures produced by UV lamps. UV rays will immediately trigger the curing process and dry the ink, making the whole process economical and fast.

Large-scale printing projects require clarity and optimum resolution. A UV printer is a great choice as it has transformed the commercial printing industry. But you need to get the best printer on sale near you.

The good news? There are different large format UV printers to know, and you should get one that suits your needs. You can decide to choose:

  1. Roll-to-roll UV printer– It is a large format printer with the media loaded with a roll on the back and feeds to print.
  2. Flatbed UV printer– The rigid substrate or media is loaded on the printer’s bed, and the printing head moves via a gantry system to deliver quality results.
  3. Hybrid UV printer– This printer model incorporates features of both roll-to-roll printer and flatbed printer.

Choosing the Best UV Printer for Large Format Printing

There are notable factors to guide you choose the best UV printer model for your demanding projects. Many people focus on the cost of the printer, which you should compare from one shop to another. Others pay attention to the type of UV printer available, print size or workspace, and the ideal material for UV printing.

It is wise also to be considerate about the benefits of large format UV printers. There are unique features that will help determine how effective the printer of choice is and why you need it. Have a look:


A standout printer will guarantee maximum flexibility. You should be able to use this printer on different projects involving virtually vast materials. Surfaces you can print on using a UV printer include:

  • ceramic
  • Acrylic
  • Aluminum
  • Canvas
  • Corrugated board
  • Leather
  • Metal
  • Glass
  • PVC
  • Cardboard

High-quality Prints

Using the best UV printer, you don’t have to do re-runs or double passes. You will go for that high-gloss level, an array of coating, vibrant colors, and crisp and quality finish.


UV prints are resistant to scratches, sun exposure, or wear and tear. You will have prints you fancy and in impeccable quality.

Fast Curing

If undertaking huge printing projects, picking the best large format UV printers will guarantee a quicker output. UV ink cures faster, and the moment the printer comes off the press. You don’t have to wait for the ink to dry, meaning you can undertake many tasks within the set schedule.

Environmentally Friendly

Sustainability is a key focus for any business, small or big. The best UV printer should meet environmental and health guidelines. UV inks have fewer toxins, and less curing time means you waste less time on your projects. Hence, increased productivity without much wastage of available resources.

To Sum Up

UV printing has provided reliable solutions to many people looking for better solutions. However, the printer you choose should stand out and guarantee unparalleled benefits over other models in the market. If you are struggling to choose the best large format UV printers, it’s advisable to seek professional help. There is a customer support expert eager to lend a helping hand. Appreciate the moment and learn how to pick the best UV printer.

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