Trusted Audit Firms in India


Supplier auditing India is necessary for every importer. This is because India is a developing county. There is a vast internal competition among manufacturers. A proper supplier audit will confirm the various aspects of their business. These are essential to see for reliability, ownership and the capacity of production they can handle with quality. It is advisable to hire the service from trusted audit companies in India. They follow the audit compliance and do as per your guidance. They are affordable and the best for signing a long-term contract.

Basic Factory Audit

A basic factory audit with a third-party firm is the best to carry out for any retailer. This is because, in the present world, a business is taken over or merges with other parties. Here, you must know the ownership or business license. Next, you can check their credibility in business. For this, you have to know their banking. If they are sound and have a proper business license, a retailer can trust them. It is advisable to conduct this audit before you wish to deal with that supplier.

Complete factory Audit

A complete factory audit in India is necessary when you are going to deal for the long-term. This supplier audit will see the below-mentioned features.

  • Bank Accounts
  • Certifications
  • Factory ownership
  • Factory Size
  • Legal Status
  • Machinery
  • Management Personnel
  • Materials
  • Packing
  • Production Capabilities
  • Quality Control
  • Social Compliance
  • Test Equipment

The cost of a complete factory audit may be high. It will be best to ensure they are trusted for dealing with long-term business. You can ensure deliverables. You must hire a trusted third-party audit firm and conduct the complete factory audit. You must do this before dealing with that supplier.

Social Compliance Audit

This audit mostly deals with statutory compliance, labor welfare, and safety. This is because; you cannot know any previous labor dispute will affect production in the future. This audit will check the working hours; labor benefits are granted on time and check their industrial safety too. You must not enter into business with a supplier, who is prone to frequent strikes and shut down due to labor issues. This will affect your business. This audit is essential to do for any factory size. This is because labor is the key element in production.

Supplier auditing India is necessary to carry by any retailers. This can be for import or within domestic use. There are many audit firms in India. It is advisable to search for the top 10 factory audit agencies. You must hire a service from such a firm, who is having a good reputation. You can do this by reading their reviews online. You must also compare the cost of factory audits. This is because they will be having various schemes. A complete factory audit will be a higher cost. Yet it will be cheaper, instead of carrying different types of audits in various intervals.

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